+ 84 903 709 019
The IntuiKey Series keyboards are full function, multipurpose keyboards used for system control and programming. The IntuiKey includes an integral variable speed pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) joystick and a splash resistant design. An optional rack mount kit allows the IntuiKey to be mounted in a standard EIA 48 cm (19 in.) rack.
FLEXIDOME IP indoor 4000i
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FLEXIDOME IP outdoor 4000i
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FLEXIDOME IP outdoor 5000i
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NDP-5502-Z30L PTZ dome 2MP 30x IP66 pendant
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Camera IP quay quét của Bosch với khả năng xác định vị trí, theo dõi và zoom cận cảnh đối tượng nhanh và dễ dàng
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